How To Be A Better Sim Racer:

How To Be A Better Sim Racer: Beginner Friendly Guide!

Ever wanted to be the best sim racer in the world? You may not know it, but there are 6 key factors that will help you get on your way. These 6 factors are: practice, car control skills, consistency, mental game, fitness and nutrition. All of these things can come together to make you a better driver no matter what racing game you’re playing.

We all know that racing in the real world is difficult. There are tons of rules, regulations and safety precautions to follow. If you’re like me, then you often wonder how it would be if we had more freedom on the track. Well my friends, I am here to tell you that there is a place for us! Welcome to sim racing! It’s not only fun but also educational. You get better at driving by practicing with other drivers online or offline (in your home). So what are you waiting for? Give sim racing a try today–I guarantee you’ll love it!

Sim Racing Tips For Beginners

Work on your braking skills

It is important that you are able to brake into the turn and hold a tight line around it. This requires good throttle control, being smooth with steering inputs, and using the correct amount of brake pressure in order to go through this process quickly but also not locking up your tires as well. Start racing in lower class cars.

If you are just starting out, the first thing that you should do is start racing in an entry level series like a Mini Cooper or Formula Renault where there’s going to be less traffic and more open track for passing as well as slower car speeds so it will seem easier than when you’re up against faster cars that have better handling.

Use Steering Wheel

Use the in car steering wheel or your game controller to steer with as well, not just pedals and a shifter. If you are playing on PC it’s recommended that you use an actual wheel/steering and pedal set like Thrustmaster TS-PC Racer ($500) because they have better force feedback which will help you develop a feel for the car.

Be Smooth

Be as smooth with your inputs and timing of when you move the steering wheel, shifter or pedals so that it’s not jerky but also don’t hold them in place too long where you’re delaying what comes next based on how much time has passed since last input (i.e., be smooth with your steering and throttle but don’t hold the wheel too long in place or it will throw off your car’s balance).


Practice, practice, practice. Just like how you can get better at a video game by doing well in all of its modes/races so that you have more experience to draw upon when racing against the tougher opponents, more practice in the sim will help you progress to better times and a higher driver level.

Be Careful!

Learn how not to overdrive your car so that it can be faster around corners when driven well as this is just another way of saying take smooth driving inputs such as braking points/pressure, when you turn into turns (early or late) and throttle applications (early or late).Don’t be discouraged and keep practicing.

If you end up crashing a lot, that’s okay – it just means you’re trying new things out! But try to find some practice tracks where the environment isn’t changing so rapidly as well because this will make your learning curve even steeper. You’ll want those skills when sim racing on real tracks or online.

Use Automatic Transmission

In the early stages of your sim racing career, it’s okay to use an automatic transmission for several reasons: firstly, you can go full throttle without worrying about shifting; secondly, when using a manual transmission and driving with only the accelerator pedal (ie., leaving out the brake), some cars tend to slow down a bit causing you to lose momentum and speed.


It’s also important in the early stages of your sim racing career to use assists, especially when learning how to drive on new tracks for the first time. Some people like having all or most assists off but really it is recommended against this because as soon as an opponent has just one advantage over you, they will take the lead.

Don’t Give Up!

If a race is proving difficult and it seems like there’s nothing to do but try again – that’s okay! Take some time off from racing in order to recharge your energy or motivation if necessary so that when you come back, you’re ready for battle once more. A little break is never a bad thing for someone who is passionate about something, just like racing!


Watch other people’s videos and streams on the internet of how they play. This might be surprising but this can actually give you some ideas or methods to try out yourself. Maybe watching somebody else will inspire you in some way that allows your skills to truly shine.

You could also attend a virtual sim racing tournament in order to do things like race against other people and make some new friends who love the same thing as you do! This is a great way for all of your competitive spirit to be exercised on track – not just at home with nobody around, but among others with similar interests.

Also Read: How To Get Into Sim Racing?

How To Get Faster At Sim Racing

There are four main components to getting faster at sim racing: learning the car, practicing your driving technique, understanding the track and using good strategy. It is important that you learn a new track quickly when trying to race online or in front of other people so any mistakes don’t slow down everyone else.

The best way to do this is by practicing your driving technique and understanding the track while in a race. Learning how to manage traffic is also important since other drivers will be learning the track just like you, so be patient with them. Here are Some Of the best ways to get faster at Sim Racing.

Learn Trail braking

Trail braking is one of the most important skills in racing. It allows you to smoothly transition from full throttle pressure into slower speed cornering and apply more grip onto the track surface without being erratic or uncomfortable with your car’s steering input. Learn about advanced setups . If you’re a beginner, I recommend keeping things simple for now by using Advanced setups.

Learn about downforce 

Downforces add extra grip to your car during cornering; however, it can be dangerous if you’re not careful with the way your racecar is set up when running in a pack of cars or on track conditions that are different from how you tested them for. Get better at looking ahead . When it comes to sim racing, the best way of improving your lap times and racecraft is by looking ahead.

This will allow you to anticipate what’s going on around you and make better decisions when taking turns that require braking or cornering at high speeds.

Set your field-of-view correctly

While setting your field-of-view is not something most people think about when it comes to sim racing, there are many reasons why you should do so. Not only does setting the proper FOV help out with immersion in a game but also can lead to better lap times and even reduce any type of neck pain from long periods of time playing.

Be consistent and fast

Everyone loves a fast driver, but it’s important not to lose your head. A good sim racer needs focus and speed in equal measure: you don’t want to be going too slow (because that is just frustrating) or running off track because you’re distracted by the guy next to you who keeps banging into your car every time they overtake.

Turn off assists

In many cases, new players leave these assist features enabled because they don’t feel like they have enough control over the car without them. This is often true at first but it becomes less so as you improve your skills and learn more about the race track. These assist features often include braking, stability control and steering assistance which can interfere with your ability to learn how to drive properly in the game.

When you turn these assists off, it means that driving becomes more difficult because you have less help from the computer but this is a good thing as it allows for greater car control. The next time you get into a race, turn off the assists and see how it changes your game play. You may find that driving is much easier when these features are turned off. This can be done before or during gameplay but should definitely become part of every racer’s routine once they have reached a certain level of skill in the game.


Practice every day if possible to improve your skills and knowledge of the game. Watch videos online or read tutorials about different techniques to get ahead in races. If you feel like you’re not progressing the way that you want, then spend some time practicing in a non-competitive environment and make sure to turn off driving aids.

Practice is an important part of any activity but it’s especially true for sim racing as there are so many things involved other than just your reflexes and hand-eye coordination. If you feel like you’re not progressing the way that you want, then spend some time practicing in a non-competitive environment and make sure to turn off driving aids. This will allow your skills as a driver to grow naturally instead of relying on any outside factors provided by the game itself (i.e. traction control and ABS).

Use the entire width of the track

There are times when it won’t be possible but as much as you can, use the entire width of the track for turns and straights. You should never touch your brakes while cornering. It’s fine to slow down by lifting off the throttle or coasting through a turn but braking leads to cars locking up which causes you to lose control. If it’s possible, try to turn in as early as possible and then get back on the throttle quickly.

The reason for this is because when a car turns too much they will start understeering which results in slower speeds. If you fail to give your car enough throttle in certain corners, don’t try and overdrive the corner because that will result in slower speeds as well. Just go for it again on another lap or wait until there is an opportunity to overtake someone so they can block off an opponent if necessary.

Watch replays

It is a good idea to watch a series of videos of faster drivers and see how they handle turns, bumps in the road, and various racing scenarios. You can even try watching other types of racer on different tracks or courses for comparison purposes. This will give you an idea as to what might work best with your own style of play. Do not try to emulate what you see but instead use it as a way of gaining useful information that can help improve your own play.

For example, if you are watching one driver do much better than another in exiting turns then note how they brake and accelerate so you can implement those strategies yourself when playing. Sometimes the other players might be doing something entirely different to you but their driving might still work in your favour.

Another useful thing to do is watch the replays of both your own races and those of others. This will give you a better idea as to how well or badly things are going for you. You can then note what went wrong in particular instances so that when it comes up again during another race, perhaps at an upcoming event, you have learned from your mistakes and will do better.

It is also important to remember that your rivals are not always the other drivers on track with you as sometimes they can be people who have already finished their races but are watching yours.

Update Your Gears

Consider gear You can purchase gear upgrades to help you with braking, cornering and acceleration. These will increase the amount of time it takes for a tire to wear out which will keep you from having to change them during a race or practice. Do not forget to practice pit stops during races because there is a good chance that you will have to do it at least once in an online race.

You should only enter and exit your pit box when you are certain that no other car is close by so as not to cause any accidents or take up too much time. When on the track you should stay close to other cars as much as possible.

You do not want to leave a large gap because this will allow the wind resistance from an opponent’s car to slow your own down, and it could result in them passing you if they are able to speed up at that point. Look for educational resources If you are competing in a sim racing league, or even just playing with friends, it is important to follow some best practices when it comes to your gameplay.

When you’re just starting out as a racer and developing these skills for the first time, there’s not much better than learning from people who have been doing this longer than yourself. That said, there are some resources available that can help you get on the right track.

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